CALVIN KLIEN MODELS BEWARE................... yeah right.
i was standing under this waterfall when the girls teased me and told me i was trying to look like peter andre.
so i naturally- insisted they take a photo but i couldnt stop laughing to make a serious "blue steel" pose.
we spent the day on a little tour run by rastfa man i guess you could call them. they run a reggae bar on the beach and it has stuff like "man made beer, god made pot. which one do you trust?" on the wall. they w\truly are a bunch of characters. they took us out to see the waterfall and snorkling which was great but not as good as the great barrier reef and they were handing out smokes the entire trip which was spinning me out that the had no fear considering the pentalies imposed by the thai goverment here for that kind of thing. i was thinking "what have i got my self into!"
the boat we went on was like a fishing boat and it was loaded up with heaps of us. we had to distribute ourt weight evenly over the boat so it didn't sink and the motor was so old that every 30 min or so it over heatedd and had to be cooled down with water! yeah- it was pretty freaky when we stopped for luch and it started to piss down with rainand the wind started blowing at gale force levels. i was like "i am not getting back in that boat till the weather clears up."
which it did so i was fine.
i got alot of sun but not BURNT today which is great because i wanna be brown when i finally get to london.
going to head of off to china mayber tommorrow or at least in the next day or so. i will try and get my vietnamese visa in bangkok because it will be easier to obtain there than in beijing.
we are having a big one tonight because richard to off tommorrow so i better go.
my phone is now working too.
i am missing having a hot shower. i will send photos of the toilets here too - they are a spin out.
so tommorow i think i will do a little shopping a organise my ticket back beijing via bangkok.
have decided too that i will send my luggage forward to heathrow as unattended baggage. i couldnt buy $400 worthof clothes for the amount of clothes i have in there and i really do need them all.
missing you all heaps. sorry i havent been replying to anyones email- i have been kinda considering this my email to you all. if i write this plus email i would be spending all my time online. :-)
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