Monday, September 26, 2005

hi everyone.

i just spemt an hour puttin g up a new post with photos and it stuffed up and i had to start again from scratch so its only going to be a little post today.

last night i got to experience the joy of partying n the beach with the bucket.

they get these buckets, put in ice, whisky, coke, red bull and some thai medicine- plop in some straws and you all sit around this little table on the beach and party on while he music is pumping and the fire twirlers are going off.

suffice to say i feel very seedy now.

im not sure if that is because i am not really eating properly though because the food is crap.

the girls im with are Kay, Laura, Ava. and me and richard are in a hut next to a finnish guy named Tatoo.

we are having a ball.

the half moon party tonight should be great.

its a shame about but at least one red and white team pulled through.

sucked in to all you parramatta supporters though.


see you all soon.