Saturday, October 15, 2005



right. i hope you all have that shit song in your head now so i dont suffer with it in my head alone.

was not going to post again untill i could put a photo up here but could not help my self.

i have had a bit of a pang of homesickness. i thought about it and it has almost been a month ny myself besides my stint with the irish girls. it felt sooo good to sit down and read some comic books in my bed and i guess that made me start to think of all the things i am used to doing at home. normally when i red my comics alex comes and jumps up and snuggles in next to me and i almost went to see where he was for a second.....

just as i have started to get the feeling 'i dont want to be alone anymore', i realised that tommorrow i am picking up angela from the airport, where i will meet up with Channie and Glenn who i havent seen in ages!

then on sunday i am going to meet up with Clare, we used to work @the sando in newtown together- we've have had some wild nights on king st in good old newtown back in the day) and she is going to show me around camden town. which i am told is the newtown of london.

then i got a phone call from Eyal who is going to come over to london later on in the week, and i havent seen him for YEARS.

So i will be overloaded with famiair faces even though i am on the other side of the globe which i s great, because i think i will really need that right now.

Some more good news- i did a resume drop today when i realised how much i have spent here in london ( also my hostel has decided to charge 20 pound a night instead of 15, becuse it is getting more full??????


anyway i thought i would do a resume drop and then i would go and see an agency on monday about work. it has been hard trying to snap out of holiday mode, i still dont get up until about 12 o'clock ( thats bad isnt it!) i was concerned that iw ould spend all my money before i even started doing stuff.

i needent have worried my self. the first place i dropped my resume off to just called and they asked me when could i start. ( could have saved my self the bother of going to all thopse other places!)


i would tell you guys the name of the club but i think dad will have a coronary so i will just say its not a go-go bar but its not for the faint hearted either!

its quite abig club.

danni minouge is apearing there next saturday.

(i will make sure i ask her how kylie is doing!)

hope you are all well, and i cant wait to post some pics.
love to you all
