it seems no one really wants to listen to me ramble on with bullshit but the photos are a hit, so......i'll meet you half way and do more of pictures and try to ramble on less.
well one of the first things i have found travelling all on my lonesome is that when do stand next to some dumb tourist monument for a kodac moment, you've got no-one to take a photo of you next to it!
and i am really untrusting of strangers on the street, so its rare they'll be too many photos with me in them, so hailea- your stuck with this ugly shot of my mug in a taxi!
yeah i still havent shaved. dont nag me throug the computer guys.
well todays misson was to track down a apple store so i could find out how to transfer all the c.ds that i bought (i got about 30) on to my ipod without having to formatt my ipod first and loose all the songs on it that i already have. I am still abit "horse and cart" with my ipod skills.
so off to the Pantip Plaza.
the biggest electrical store in asia.
not just a store but a entire MALL of only electrical goods.

so as you can see from this photo, (i couldnt capture the whole mall in one shot- its just too big. this is only about one quarter of the mall), i had my work cut out for me. but i thought to myself- everyone knows "apple". this wont be that hard.
not so.
then i thought, well apples store are always very swish and they all look EXACTLY the same.
and when i found the store about an hour and a half later, i realised i was right.
this apple store looked EXACTLY like all other apple stores do.
or did.
20 years ago!!!

"lets do the time warp again" yeah kids thats right, this is what apple stores looked like in the 80's.
now that i have found the store, surely getting the right advice wont be too much harder!
i think that considering the language barrier, we did all right.
one thing about the thai peaople is - they always smile. its called the land of smiles and rightly so. i am sure that i drove the woman inside the store insane, but they always just smile and be helpful.
we got there in the end.
after that it was off to get something to eat. i'll stick with something safe like chicken i thought.i wandered outside only to find a resaturaunt out on the street.
yeah, you see here in thailand- they'll cook you dinner while you chat in a phone box. they have a special little spot- right by the gutter where they put there garbage!

yeah right. i think ill stick with me two piece feed from kfc thanks matey!

on my way home from the markets the other day i ventured on to the subway. i have to admit i was abit scared about that. i kept thinking about all the derro's on trains at home and my first day in thailand i met a girl that had had her bag snatched on the train, and the other day i met a bloke who had been pick pocketed - so i have been wary.
when i did hop on i was shocked. it was sooooo cleasn. efficent. nice. ON TIME!
polar oppisite of the city rail network at home.
so instead of fighting with the traffic which you see on this picture below......

i had the cheaper, much more luxurious space of the sky train. now if you look in the top right hand corner of the traffic photo- you see a huge concrete thing- that is the "Sky Train". it is a very cosmopolitain "metropolis/Gotham City" type of rail way that runs through the city. it is really HIGH in the sky and a bit scary to look down with my fear of hieghts and stuff but you know- you bite the bullet and do it, dont you?

this is a photo of me being a dickhead in the middle of the station. zoom up if you click on the photo and youll see it is really me.
well tommorow i get on the plane to london. i dont fly out till about 12.30 at night but thats cool because ot gives me time to get some washing done, and all that stuff.
i went and had a day spa for the reset of the day and got a haircut, manicure, pedicure, seaweed body scurb, and vitamin mineral bath so i will look HOT when i get to hit the longdon clubs. it cost i think $40. how cool. they treated me like a king.
i think i'll miss that.
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