this is my room that i am staying in in bangkok. i was trying to think of a way to describe it and all i can think of is- jail cell!
i had my back against the wall to try and capture it all in the photo.
we have acess to communal showers (no hot water ) and toilets and the room has a fan but i am too scared to use it because it looks like its going to fall off!
i have just got back from the travel agents around here and it looks like it will caost me an exorberant amount to go to china.
it will cost 20,000B to get a return flight to beijing and i would only be able to stay there for two nights. it will cost around 7,000B to do the same with hong kong. veitnam is slight ly cheaper but if i inkclude the cost of my same day visa, it works out about the same.
that is too much money for too little time.
Am i upset that i wont get to see china?
yeah. i'd be lying if i said otherwise.
but the positives of it are this-
when i get to china, i will be able to do it properly and not in a mad rush.
i get more time to properly explore thailand, i mean , i havent even seen a temple yet!
this means i will have almost DOUBLE the amount of money in my pocket when i get too london.
so those are two pretty good reason i think, to wait untill my way back.
also, in the u.k, ALL the tax i pay will be reutrned to me when i leave the airport, so i will have heaps more money to spend on the way back with out having to worry too much about saving while i am there. ( i will still save- so dont nag me)
anyway, i am not going to be sitting back whinging about anything at all. this city is every inch the crowded, polluted, exasperating explotive and steamy asian metroplois you have heard it is and i intend to take full advange of it!
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