it been almost one month i know!!!!
i have been really busy.
i am planning another trip soon and have been working basically EVERYDAY to save the pounds for it.
anyway here are somemore new york highlights my friends!!!

this is me being a dickhead because the bottled water they drink in new york is called "poland spring" and basically every single person in london that i have met that i thought was hot is bloody polish. richard was joking saying that he is going to buy me a one way ticket to warsaw for my birthday.
this is the remains of the twin towers. they have basically rebuilt the train that runs underneath it. they had all these hawkers and stuff around despite signs up saying "dont buy things as from illegal vendors as we want to keep this site sacred" there was this one guy in particular who was ranting and raving all these facts about september 11th and he was reapting hiom self again and againand again, really angry he was!
"learn the facts!"
"history! dont let it be mystry"
he was a full on nutter. i have a video of him.
not much to add to this one. we were at the south end of central park here and we went down and just laid in the sun ( one thing you really miss in london!) i think that is trump tower behind me there but am not too sure.
this was a sign on the subway trains. how totaly american is that! they advertise divocer lawyers.
"when you want to go your own way- 1800-DIVORCE"
if you click on the photo you should be able to enlarge it and you can see the bride and groom walking away from each other....
This is grand central station which is one of the biggist train stations in the world. it is very "old time new york" it is really huge and i think really beautiful. i wish all train stations looked like that!
the great empire state building. it is really tall. of course! der!
when we went to go we actully went to the cyrsler building first mistaking it for the empire state. we felt like complete FOOLS when the woman at the recoetion of the cyrstler told us we were at the wrong building!
we had to wait in line for about and hour and a half to get to the elevator to go to the top.....
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