the palace is huge, as you would expect it to be i suppose.
i was hoping there would be those funny men in the red suits and fluffy hats, but no such luck.
so you get to now see a heap of touristy photos with me in front of them looking like an absolute dick.
this here is the famous mr. big ben. i got the photo of me in front of big ben and the london eye on the only patch of blue sky that i have seen since ariving here in england. when people tell you how damp and cold it is they are not bullshitting you!
this is piccadilly circus. when i first found air after being submersed in the tube, this is what i arose too!
this here is the giant millenium wheel/london eye. it is the biggist ferris wheel in the word. if you wanna go on it you actully have to book up to a week in advance they say!i do wanna go on it but not untill i have people to come on with me. it'd be a bit funny hoping on it by yourself!
in this photo down here i am infront of Leister Square. ilook so much like my dad in this photo ( a better looking vesion of him though of course) that it scares me!
thsi si a photo of out the front of the club i work at on old compton street. it is taken on a saturday night and the line starts up in the bottom right hand corner where the white light is, and it goes all the way around the corner on the left hand side. there was nothing special on that night or anything like danni minogue, (who i didnt get to meet by the way. :-( we were suppose to close at 12, but stayed open till 1.30 because danni didnt want to go untill she had signed everyone who was waiting in lines c.ds. the place was packed and we needed all hands on staff, which sucks) it was just a normal night. that is how busy it gets.
so that is my big giant post to make up for all the shitty ones i have done lately.
i am now satying at a hostel in Bayswater which is right next to Notting Hill, where hugh grant lives.
its a nice enough hostel. i have defintly learnt that a "full contintental breakfast" is toast, jam, butter, cereal and milk.
whoppdie do.
the wether is quite cold here already but everyone keeps telling me that is is about to get REAL cold soon. i was at the supermarket the otehr day and the check out chick said " you must be missing the weather back home now" and i said , "oh, i've only been here a week".
and she laughed and said "oh you wait! its about to get really cold soon"
it already feels like a winter. a melbourne winter, not a sydney one!
thsi week i have to get a IN number, which is like a tax file number. and also open up a bank account. which is proving to be more of a haslle than i orignially thought.
you see, you have to have a letter from your employer proving you work, then no employers will give you a job without a bank account. luckily for me i lucked out on that one, but still the bank wont let you open an account without a permanent residintal adress.
is a work in progress.
hope your all well and basking in that beautiful aussie sun.
love to you all
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