well there is angie poo, when she was leaving oz ready for europe!
and that is pretty much what she looked lik ewhen she arrived.
we had the camers out and stuff but she zipped out before we realised so we missed the kodak moment.
well i have decided that i will try and get the originla hostel in the city to give me weekly rates, and stay there because the free breakfast gets me up in the morning and also it will be close to work so i wont have to catch the tube.
it will do untill i find somewhere else where i can cook my own food. In the one i am in now, they have a kitchen and stuff and everyone has a bucket with thier name on it for thier food.
it was great to catch up with clare again, and brendon and his girlfriend jackie was there too! we did a little bit of a pub crawl, and they all gave me plenty of helpfull advice. it was a great sunday afternoon.
start work at 5pm, so i will upload some more photos today now that it seems to be functioning again! i am actully looking forward to working and meeting new people and all that. should be fun. monday noght is generally th emost quietest night of the week, but it should still be good, just to get back into some action and a routine.
love to you all!
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