Tuesday, December 27, 2005

i had the most bizarre thing happen to me today....................

on christmas eve because the owner of the club is holidaying in miami with the 18 year old of the week my manager bought everyone at work a little bottle of champagne for christmas ( what a sweetheart)

(the commer button on this computer is refusong to work so i will have to use ¬ that symbol in stead!

anyway- starting the shift off with a little bottle of champers kind of set the tone for the rest of the night......suffice to say that by the time it came to closing we were all SHIT FACED¬

i realise that that is a quite vulger term but i really do feel that it is the only accurate way to describe all of our enibriated conditoins.

the bar was paying for us to all car pool home in taxis as there is NO public transport that day¬ and if they didnt pay¬no-one would have been able to work!

We had four people in my cab and it went for about half an hour and as i was the last one out¬i paid him the £95 fee!!!!!!!

that is THE most expensive cab ride i have ever had!

anyway¬ when i woke in the morning i had a quick run to the toilet and did the whole "hug the bowel for 15min thing" - it was the classic " IM NEVER DRINKING AGAIN!" moment.

suffice to say i could barely make my way back to bed- let alone going to help all the marmie women taht would be cooking at the homeless shelter St.Vincent de Paul place.

and to be totally honest i just wanted to stay in bed all day and christmas quietly pass. it is so cold that it doesnt really feel like christmas anyway- everyone here thinks i am a completely WIERDO when i say that!

anyway i did wake to a heap of great christas messages from engalnd veitnam and austraila and i had something like 16 missed calls!

someone loves me!

i appreciate everyones thoughts and well wishes!

ANYWAY- on to the bizarre thing that happened to me today-

i decieded to brave not only the cold but also the insane amount of people who would be trying to grab some boxing day bargains.

Hailea- you will loove this -

i found a designer store that had a huge sign that said "70% off"¬ and you know how much i love a bargain¬ out the front was the coolest Dolche and Gabba brown leather jacket. it was really funky and retro and i was like "YES!" that is my christmas present to myself. i went inside and tried it on.

fit perfeclty. that NEVER happens to me.

then i was even more stoked.

then i looked down at the tag...



as you can imagine i quickly put it back on the shelf and remonded my self why i own no gucci and d&g or calvin clein or armani stuff.

stick it with the op shops i say.

So i went back to my original plan- go to a bookshop and buy auntie jayne the book she asked me to get that you cant buy in oz and i thought i would buy "brokeback Mountain" by annie Proulx which has been made into a movie. i have read it before but i am going to see the movie with some friends so i thought i would read through it again.

i couldnt find a.jaynes book but i did find my one- but it was made into a collection of short stories instead of the one and it wqas too expensive so i left it there.

i then made my way to a coffee shop tp warm myself up with a hot chocalte before heading home when i sat on the chair you would never guess what i found there.....

a original copy of brokeback mountain.

just sitting there on a chair.

it was like someone had left it there for me.

it was surreal.

i dont really believe in hocus pocus stuff- but i will say maybe JUST maybe- there is a christmas spirit after all.....

i am off to bed now- hope everyone had a great boxing day. i am off to read my book.

merry christmas

Love xO