Friday, November 11, 2005


well we have spent the day on our hire bikes, and rode round and around the city. it was a really great way to get about here as the raods are made with bike lanes, and everyone is riding here. you will see an old lady riding a bike and then a man in a suit riding, and then a woman with three kids and a cart on her bike!

its pretty insane. i have taken a few photos but cant post them yet as all the internet cafes here dont really have acessable usb ports.

we went for a wander down through the red light district last night and saw all the is too see. its not really that big, but the have everything you need there i guess!

every couple of meters you would have someone say "coke or ectasy?" and you just say "no, no " and keep walking. the have no fear in trying to deal drugs out on the street. you dont see a single police officer there, ever. but as soon as you get pout of the red light district, the police are waiting! i think they have a "keep in in this one little space" policy. the rest of the city seems untouched by any sort of drug problem.

we are going to try and go on a canal cruise tonight, before we fly back to the u.k tommorow.

i will post heaps of photos when i get back.

am already not looking forward to work!


oh. well its gotta be done!

i will also be looking for a house as soon as i get backl as i am sick of sharing a room with 8 strangers.

hope everyone is well.


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