Thursday, November 24, 2005


yes thats right- you dont come to the u.k for the weather.

the paper said yesterday that bookies are tking bets 5:1 that it will snow in london by the weekend. as much as i whinge about the cold i am a bit exicted to see real snow falling. i have seen snow before but just on the ground, not falling down like in the movies and stuff.

some of the guys at work spun out when i told them that, they also spin out when i say oi can only spek english and that is it.

i have started to learn polish. i can say three sentances but i wont repeat them here as they are all quite lewd. hahaha!

i am basically the only "monolinguist" at work. EVERYONE here can speeak a little bit of some ohter language. in fact for most people at work- english is thoer second language. the creation of the EU has meant that everyone from europe can work anywhere- and london seems to be where the most work is. and the most foreingers!

i was a bit lost the other day an d i asked people for directions..... but the by the fifth person i asked i realised they were all from abroad as well!

work at the moment is a bit quiet- were suffering from a madonna hang over i think as everyone has spent thier cash already. i have the next two days off, so i am going to move my stuff over to a friends house, and tommorow i am looking at a house with one of the girls from work.

infact angela, you met this girl when we were walking down old compton street in soho when i was showing you where i worked- the one woth short blonde hair.

anyway, three of us at work are going to get a house. the one we are looking at tommorow will cost us about £80 a week ( dont want to do the $$$$conversion on that as i will cry) it is a two bedroom but we are going to convert the lounge to a bedroom to save the ££££.

aparently you have to walk through one of the bedrooms to get to the kitchen though.......

beggars cant be choosers i suppose and my goal is some where cheap so i can see the rest of europe as well.

well i better go.

i am going to see the n ew harry potter film tommorow. looking forward to that as well.



have been reading a book called "the animal Factory" americas most notrious prison and it was written by the guy who played Mr.Blue in resiovour dogs. \( i cant remeber his real name)very good little book.