SMILE FOR THE CAMERA.................
so the usb cord thing turned out to be a real bitch. because my camera is a Olypus MINI it needs a special cord that no-one stocks so i had to buy a card reader instead. what a pain in the arse.
anyway- i quickly took some photos for you all.
some of th e guys at work, and i took some at harrods today ( tell you about that in a minute)
so this is harrods. the big huge department store owned by Dodi Al Fayeed.
man i tell you what- it is POSH.
it is all set out in squares all coneccted to one another like boxes and they all have differnt brands.
in one room- they had Gucci, D&G, Versace, Fendi.
i thought- wow- hailea would love this, i'll take some photos for her, and i went to go around and take one photo of the stores and started with the fendi bags, and in about 3 seconds after my flash went off, security were on me in no time telling me cameras were not aloud.
so this is the only one i got.

they are a bit funny about cameras over here. i was on the bus on my way to work the other day, ( on the top floor of the double decker bus of course!) and there was a tourist taking photots of all the people on oxford circus and suddenly the lights flickerd on the bus and the bus driver anounced with his microphone ...
JEEZ! I was thinking 'dude- chill the f--k out!
call me crazy but i dont know how someone taking photos of tourist monuements will blow up a bus
ANy way- i thought i would show you guys some photos of the guys at work....since these are the guys i see everyday.
this is Jacques. he is polish. he is into cool music- i lent him my "Teaches of peaches" C.D the other day. Me, him and Anthony are going to a indie/electro club next wednesday night. he is quite cheeky though. when i ask him to do stuff at work he will say "why?" "cant someone else?" adn stuff to that effect. i did snap at him th other day and said "Dont question my decisoins- JUST DO IT."
and he said "im not questioning your decisions, i just say 'how come?"
and i am like "that is a question!"
it is hard working with people who have english as there second language.
he also sometimes pretends that he hasnt understood me when i have to get him to do a shit job like clean the toilets or something. (it did work for a while but i am ontop of that trick now!)
THis is Sebastion, and he is polish as well ( we have a few polish guys there) he is the one i will be going to warsaw with in febuary. i keep hassling him to quit smoking- in this photo he is telling me to shut up!
this Sylvestor. he is probably my favourite at work. he is really funny and a top guy. he is the one that should have been supervisor but he didnt want it because he makes so much money in tips it unbeliveable. he would make about as much in wages as he does in tips. he is the one that has been teaching me all the polish rude words, but also hhow to say "do some work!" which is what i shout at sebastion and jacques whn they are bludging.
"veshna de prartzay!"
this is Lucy. she is abit crazy. she works as a make up artist as well, and at the moment does the make up for theatre show "oliver" ( the theatre is HUGE here) she is actully moving down to austraila in a few months. she wants to wrok on home and away (i told her i would ask tash if she knows anyone)
And finally this is Laura the girl i am moving in with on the weekend
its a crap photo of her. she is really pretty. i will post a better one later on.
i will be taking lots of photos again so watch this space guys!
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