Monday, January 09, 2006

well as its time for new years resloutions and such- i am not making any resolutions this year, instead i have decided that it would be better to put in a "BEST OF...." list instead...

be prepared for a lot of introspective ramblings....


Hung UP- MAdonna
DAkota- Stereophonics
Crazy Chick- Charlotte Church
"bleed like me"- Garbage

BEST MOVIE of 2oo5..........

"Batman Begins"

"Sin City"

"Chralie and the Chocalate Factory"


Amsterdamn. its how the world should be.

(although i do still love melbourne as a city)

HIGH LIGHT OF THE YEAR..............

there have been a few.....

Playing with billy the orangatang i will NEVER forget...

speeding through the busy interconnectring traffic of bangkok on the back of a mototr bike being driven by a 17 year old whilst wearing no helmet

Arriving at heathrow airport with NO IDEA what to do or where to go because my plans of goingt to edingbrough fell through at the last minute, and making it alright anyway.

HAving a nice day at the beach and having all my family together ( espeacially you kara! )

Realising that the gym is not as scary as i thought it would be

Buying the last ever garbage album.

meeting my pop teen idol Melissa Tkautz and not making a fool of myself.

Having my name on the VIP list to a intimate venue for a madonna gig, and watching her from the center of the balcany, drinkling free champagne.

Smoking in a cafe in amsterdam

and i think the one that tops it off them most is not one specific event- but the fact the i learnt a few impoartant lessons in life-

-that i am strong enough to do what i want and get what i want by myself and i dont need to be with anyone.

its better to be single and happy than in a relationship that is not working out benificailly.

I am capbable.

You only get treated the way you allow people to treat you.

emancipation from everything that was previously holding me back

i think about how i was feeling when i was in melbourne before i left and how i feel now and it is a complete 180 degree change.

yay for me!

what a year 2oo5 has been.

Bring on 2oo6



bought the worng usb cord....

am fixing that problem tommorow. am going to buy another cord or a memeory card reader from harrods.

