keep up-to-date with all of my goings on while i am jet setting around the world!
destination: ISRAEL
sebastian was dragging his heels up the stairs and everytime he got to the top we would say "that was the last flight of stairs, we promise" and then we would trun the corner and see yet another set of stairs!
but despite all of his whining when we did get to the top and suddenly the buildings parted and you could see all of parisin its beauty- we all gasped and said .....WOW. that was So worth the trek.
the next time i go to paris i will watch the sun set there, but that will be for another time!
well as you can see from this photo the second day in paris was BEAUTIFUL as well. the eiffel tower is just so huge and amazing looking. we decided to venture to the top but we were not going to wait for the queue
So instead of taking the elevator up we thought we'd take the stairs as it is cheaper and the line much shorter. For a normal person this would be o.k i guess but i should have just waited for the elevator because once you are in the elevator your stuck there untill you get to the top. when you take the stairs you can turn around and go nback anytime you want including the moment you feel like you are too high- which for me, was as just a few stairs below the decks. if you look at the bottom of the tower, i got to just where the bottom arch reaches its peak.
you see, its not like its a building- in reality i guess its just a bunch of scafolding and its all outside and you cant pretend not to look down while your climbing because you can see out everywhere!!!!
i took heaps of tower photos though so here are some of the high lights.....
this here is a shot of the army guys carrying AK-47's patrolling around the base of the tower. i thought it was wierd to see and if inly i knew how many guns i would have seen in israel i wouldnt have wasted of photo on it!
ok so from left to right we have Antek ( polish), Owen ( aussie ), Anthony (french), Sabastian( polish) , and Alessandro ( we call him alex- he is italian)
this was the new five amigos adn we set off in a hung over mad dash to cover as much of paris as we could in 24 hours........
the following mayhen ensued....
this is of course, Notre Damme Cathedral.
yeah yeah, i went inside a church for the first time in i diont remember HOW many years. And coincidently, it was sunday so they were having mass. we arrived just in time as the priest and the alter boys made thier grand entrance into the church. it was a really beautiful gothis building and you can go up inside it to the roof and stuff but we were on a budget in rgards to both out money and time so it was just a mad dash in and out really....
here we are on the very beautiful river Seine. it was a awesome day with the weather, about 31 degrees. very unusaul to see such a blue sky in london. when i jumped up on the bridge to get this photo taken i smashed my knee in to the concrete and it really hurt and i am wincing through the smile. below is a highway that kinda freaked me out a little because i didnt want to fall. below is a photo of me in the middle of the lourve- the worlds biggist art gallery/meusum. its where they keep the mona lisa and famous for th eda vinci code now too. i took some better photos of antek and anthony there than this one. ( i'll post them below soon)
o.k so around this time in the afternoon we had started to all get a bit tired and had a little nap by this pond right in between the lourve and the eiffel tower. i thought it'd make a great shot of us all sleeping in the sun in line and got a stranger to take this photo but she nearly fell in the pond wioth my camera so i couldnt quite relax and pretend i was asleep.
i still love the photo anyway.
this is of course the Arc De Trumph. which translates as "the Arc of Triupmph". i think it was built by Napolean to celebrate thier war victories. all over paris you can see these "N" everywhere- they are from crazy mad napolean stamping his name all over the place! Once again you can climb to the top of this and see a view from all over paris but we didn't. as you can see as well the sun was starting to set ands so were our eyes. this is also the worlds largest roundabout with something like 13 roads all converging on this point. MAD
"Dinner is served" you cant go to paris and not have escargot no?
so yeah i ate snails and yeah they taste like shit. the trick with them is to cover them in a really aromiatic beautifull sauce - i chose the pesto and garlic flavoured ones- so you dont taste too much of the snails. its a bit like killpatric oysters i guess.
anyway that concludes Day 1 of paris.