so first stop this time was south korea, and we were there for only 24 hours.
i was expecting to be able to go and spend a bit of time in the city but our hotel was like 5min drive from the airport which was about an hour away from the city. also we landed at about 8pm and we had to check in for the connecting flight to london at 11.30 so we couldnt really go again in the morning either.
i expected the hotel we would be staying at would be some dodgy little korean hotel but instead it was the Hyatt. Hailea was estatic about this but i was a bit bummed about not being able to see korea, but we made the most of our time at the hotel which was really swish.
we did get noise complants from our room cause we had the music on fullball and we were jumping up and down on the beds.
( that's another thing-of all the places i have stayed i have never had such a hard mattress to sleep on. considering how plush the hotel was the bed was shit.)
it was a different experience to stay at a really expensive hotel that otherwise i would never had been able to afford. To be honest i found that i felt a little uncomfortable there. you couldnt just put your feet up and relax as everyone is so prim and proper and calling me and Hailea Mr and Miss Darcy. HOW FUNNY!
the stop over was nice and charged us up for london.
i do feel abit like my stay back home and the loss/brakedown of TWO phones, i didnt get to do and see as many people as i wanted too but there will be a next time.
a big shout out to everyone at salesforce-i had to just runin and collect my stuff from mydesk and run and didnt get to say good bye to some of you.
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