Wednesday, October 26, 2005

GIANT PURPLE PEOPLE EATERS EVERYWHERE.........................................................

well as i metioned on previous post- the volume of people who dwell in london is just astounding.

luckily for me i work outside of peak hour times so i miss the most of it- but you know the transport and stuff is so effiecent i dont think it would matter too much.

i am yet to wait for more than ten minutes for a bus or train. and they are all clean.

i was in the top of a double decker bus the other day and i took a snap just to show you how many people are walking around the city. keeo in mind that these photos were taken NOT in rush hour, but at about 3 o'clock in the afternoon on a monday.......

this next photo is one of me and the half the gang at work. the two on the left are english and they are both the rock boys i guess. they have been friends for years, the first one is lee and i forget the next ones name cause i havent worked with him much, then there is hot sexy me, then there is sylvestor who is polish, the fat chick who is looking like a stunned mullet is charlie, she is the supervisor,then there is chris who is irish, and richard without the sleeves and he is spainish.

i am of to "roachford" today.

i asked charlie where it is and she was like "what?"

and i said "roachford" ( but with my aussies accent it sounds like ROACH as in cockroach FED)

and she said "you mean roachford" (and pronounced it in her cockney accent, ROACH as in rochelle FOOD)

and i said yeah! thats it! i said it differently because i am austrailan deerrrr!

to which she replied

" yoor foookin shiten meee, yoor ooostrolion"

we both laughed and she sreamed


damn alf stewart. he has done as all in for that one!
