Tuesday, November 01, 2005

qUICK UPDATE..............................................

travel plans have been made and remade and rearranged yet again!

the final status is like this-

me and anglea are going to maddame tussauds tommorow.

then she is back off to wales or something to meet a aunty that she hasnt met before, and then on tuesday morning we are flying out to amsterdamn for tuesday wednesday and thursday. which isnt as long as i would like but it willl do for now i suppose.

i am really lucky that o have been given friday and saturday night off this week too!

how spolit am i!

i will be giving clare and jude a call to try and catch up woth those guys on the weekend.

good old makbe diva wins a hat trick?

who'd have thunk it hur?

hope you all won a heap.
