HYDE PARK IN THE MORNING................................................
well me and angela went to maddame tousauds wax museum on wednesday and it was great fun. unfortunatly my camera run out of batteries as soon as we got there, so i cant post any photos but ang has them all in hers.
the wax dummies look so real it was at times unnerving.
they were awesome though.
there were heaps of kids there and we had to rush along so that we were a head of them and didnt have to have them bother us with all there yelling and pushing and carying on.
i got heaps of photos taken with david beckham, (and victoria beckham) brad pitt, angelina jolie, tomcruise, sarah michelle gellar, juila roberts, ( there was no nicole kidman which i thought was wierd)
i wanted to rude poses to some of the dummies but there were heaps of kids around and ang wouldnt let me!
i got a great picture with prince william though, and i gave princess diana a kiss on the cheek.
today we went for a walk to hyde park and i showed angela kensington palace were prince charles and diana woved when they were first married. (it is also where queen victoria was born as well i think)
there was this mental patient escapee there who looked like a movie zombie that freaked us out as he was running up to people and screaming and looking like a complete NUT.

there are heaps of squirrels in the parks here- they are everywhere. they are really cute and they are scurring around trying to collect nuts and stuff for the winter hordes.
angela was scarred of them but htey dont hurt you. the british consider them vermin, i guess like we would possums. but they are so cute. i want one.

they also have heaps of geese in the park that are HUGE. i protected my family jewels as i walked past them a si have witness too many episodes of funniest home videos to know better than to let your self be unguared around those birds but they were beautifull and totaly harmless.
VERY excited about amsterdam. cannot wait.
i read in the paper today that they are considering bringing in a law to make it so only people from holland can indulge in theier cafes there so they to help them loose the "drug tourisim" tag.
luckily we will be there before that piece of legislation passes through goverment hey!
well i am off to see clare tonight. we are meting at a bar near totten court road and then heading off to a rock bar (she is the tourist guide i dont know where i am going)
Also one quick thing to mention- the club i got to after work called "the Ghetto" (its like BUilders arms Q&A thurdsay nights- london club style) is having the guy from 'Le Tigre' be a resident dj for a while- how cool.
finsihed reading "high fideltiy" which i thought was great. nicole you would get a reall kick out of that book i reckon as would anna. am now starting to read a book called "mysterious skin" which was recently made in to a movie. it is very disturbing and difficult to read- much like that movie "happiness"
time for a pint.
well me and angela went to maddame tousauds wax museum on wednesday and it was great fun. unfortunatly my camera run out of batteries as soon as we got there, so i cant post any photos but ang has them all in hers.
the wax dummies look so real it was at times unnerving.
they were awesome though.
there were heaps of kids there and we had to rush along so that we were a head of them and didnt have to have them bother us with all there yelling and pushing and carying on.
i got heaps of photos taken with david beckham, (and victoria beckham) brad pitt, angelina jolie, tomcruise, sarah michelle gellar, juila roberts, ( there was no nicole kidman which i thought was wierd)
i wanted to rude poses to some of the dummies but there were heaps of kids around and ang wouldnt let me!
i got a great picture with prince william though, and i gave princess diana a kiss on the cheek.
today we went for a walk to hyde park and i showed angela kensington palace were prince charles and diana woved when they were first married. (it is also where queen victoria was born as well i think)
there was this mental patient escapee there who looked like a movie zombie that freaked us out as he was running up to people and screaming and looking like a complete NUT.

there are heaps of squirrels in the parks here- they are everywhere. they are really cute and they are scurring around trying to collect nuts and stuff for the winter hordes.
angela was scarred of them but htey dont hurt you. the british consider them vermin, i guess like we would possums. but they are so cute. i want one.

they also have heaps of geese in the park that are HUGE. i protected my family jewels as i walked past them a si have witness too many episodes of funniest home videos to know better than to let your self be unguared around those birds but they were beautifull and totaly harmless.
VERY excited about amsterdam. cannot wait.
i read in the paper today that they are considering bringing in a law to make it so only people from holland can indulge in theier cafes there so they to help them loose the "drug tourisim" tag.
luckily we will be there before that piece of legislation passes through goverment hey!
well i am off to see clare tonight. we are meting at a bar near totten court road and then heading off to a rock bar (she is the tourist guide i dont know where i am going)
Also one quick thing to mention- the club i got to after work called "the Ghetto" (its like BUilders arms Q&A thurdsay nights- london club style) is having the guy from 'Le Tigre' be a resident dj for a while- how cool.
finsihed reading "high fideltiy" which i thought was great. nicole you would get a reall kick out of that book i reckon as would anna. am now starting to read a book called "mysterious skin" which was recently made in to a movie. it is very disturbing and difficult to read- much like that movie "happiness"
time for a pint.
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