Tuesday, October 25, 2005

well, just about to start work in ten minutes, so i have to be really quick.

just got back from my lunch date.

how old fashioned.

it was really nice though, to do the old fashioned "meet up for lunch" thing, instead of the "get smashed at some club thing"

i think it went reallly well.

we had lunch near soho square at a little resturaunt called "the edge", and then off to a bar to have a quick pint.

i am going down to my dates place on wednesday as i have that day off and we are going to see a movie.

i cant believe this has happened so qucikly, although come to think of it, i have been single since christ,as so its been nearly ten months.

i guess i thought i would have a few holiday flings first before i met someone i like.

not that you all want to hear that but there you have it.

i am excited about it and have no one to gossip to about it here so i will have to blog about it instead.


well i am off to work with a big grin on my face now.

hope you are all well in sunny austraila.
