PHOTOSHOPPING THROUGH OLD LONDON TOWN.......................................
well what is there to say?
work is work where ever you are in the world.
i will say, that has anyone who has worked in a bar with me before can tell you- i have never been too fond of our pissed pommie backpackers and i thought it was just becuase they were, you know, 'on holidays' or not used to being able to drink for soo long that they carried on like idoits.
not so.
thats just how they are.
for eg.
someone came up to the bar and barked,
i'll translate that for you. "can i please have a white wine thankyou?"
having said that- the crew that i am working with are fantastic. they are all so nice and friednly and they have been showing me the sights and sounds of late night london which is great.
all the pubs shut at 12, so after work there is no such thing as 'a quiet brew'
you have to go to a club. which is a bit wierd. i dont always feel like going to a loud club when i have been working my arse off. i would prefer have a few beers and a game of pool, but when in rome....
i am not complaining. the clubs around here let us in for free because of the bar we work at. how cool is that?
i was supposed to meet anglea glenn and chan today but glenn has a hangover ( as do i ) so they are going to pack for their trip to germany, and we are going to meet up tommorrow at trafalger square where they are having a special celebration thing for "the battle of trafalgar"
what ever that means.
i think that was WW2?
wasnt that the battle of briton though?
retorical question. dont answer it. i will find out tommorow.
well laura told me i wouldn't meet to many people with english accents ni london and she was right.
there area about 20 staff at work and only three or four of them are english. two ar irish, then there are poles, checks, slovaks, spainairds, itailans, aussies. (only two of us though)
i often have to get every one t o repeat what they are saying to me. and when the irish guy talks to me i am like "mate. you are talking too fast i cant understand a word you r saying. "
then he will slow downand i will say
"now your bloody mumbling."
its like his talking pidgon english or something.
we do have one guy Pedro, who was raised in portragual and he has an aussie father and he can do the best aussie accent, beside merriyl streep yelling "a dingos got my baby", i have ever heard!
well i will stop rambling on now, i am going to go back to bed and get some sleep.
good news- i survived in london on only £200. this week. i set my self that budget just to stop me buying things willy nilly and dwindling my savings away. i only paid £55 for my weeks accomadation though. it s gonna get more expensive when i have a flat. people tell me that you can room share with people but am not keen on that.
so here are some photos to show you what i am seeing everyday.
when i saw this post box i had to take a photo of it. if you look closely you can see there is too holes for the mail. not "next day delivery/express post" and then "normal post" holes.
"first class" and "second class".
if your poor use the shitty side.
i though tony the B-Liar was a labour man?
whay doesnt he fix this wording? its horrible

when i walked past this pub, i just had to take a photo of it. i pissed myslef laughing. who names their pub "spread eagle".

if you dont know what a spread eagle is, i am not telling you. ignorance is bliss. trust me!
here is the worlds end in camden town. this is where i met clare and brendon. what a cool name for a pub hey?
all of the outside (and kinda the inside as well actully) look the same. except for differnt colours. even the font of the signs are similar.
these signs were parked out of the street near downing street. i think the sign with the petrol bowzer being a gun is really witty.

this pauls cathedral i think?
it is just off the river thames, and i was huge. it is just giangantic. which reminds me- when i spoke to natasha breifly she said- "hows the volmue of people?" and she was spot on. there are so many people. the mass of people here is just insane. it doesnt matter what time of the day it is there are people everywhere. not just a few people but a shit load of people. it is all very orderly though. itsnot like a jumbled mess, they have everything worked out quite well.

this was taken walking alng the thames and as i was walking down, the leaves were falling onto the footpath like rain drops. it was very romantic looking. except, you know, i am by myself and stuff.
which reminds me- for those of you who care-
i am going on a date next week. very excited. my date works as a union rep for medical workers. isnt that cool? i dont know the offical title but i mean, when you work for the union, you cant go wrong with someone like that can you?